TimeLine  Comics
Without Pop's influence Jerry K. Fennely was court martialed
for conduct unbecoming an officer, giving aid to the enemy 
and having a New England accent. He was reduced in rank to 
seaman, sentenced to seven years in the brig and given a 
severe haircut.
Pvt. Harvey Lou Osmond could not save his library books. 
Inadvertently he rescued all the members of his squadron. 
He was given a commendation and promoted to Lance 
Corporal. Subsequently he gave up his dream of becoming a 
Groucho-Marks-ian and going to Russia. He got his High 
School G.E.D., and transferred from radar to the prestigious 
scouts and snipers. His celebrated sense of aloneness 
would come in handy there.
Medically retired from the Marine Corps for battle wounds, 
he returned to civilian life. After ten years as a Sergeant of 
Detectives with the New Orleans Police Department, Harvey 
Lou Osmond graduated Tubane Law School and was made 
Attorney General of Louisiana.
In Vietnam G/Sgt. HL Osmond was awarded the Medal of 
Honor for single-handedly assassinating Viet Cong General 
Nguyen Ho Tud. He was given a battle-field commission to 
Second Lieutenant and came to the attention of the Huggy 
Lone political organization back home in Louisiana.

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