Thinking about it
On a light-rail train: young couple with small child. She had sensual lips but also a slight mustache. -- I remember Velora: Reddish hair, gray-green velour coat, head under an umbrella. -- The circularity of life, adding and subtracting people who only stay constant in the non-linear space in your head.-- Who was it who said about her: “She had an ass like two enormous pumpkins; a vegetarian work of art?” Velora, of course, I've made up as I don't think I ever knew her actual name. I had an assignment from Easton and had to report to someplace downtown. I felt depressed already.
Sometimes, I'd rather be in the field than faking it in an office. Last time out I was looking for old books in a large trunk I dug out of the dirt floor of a dilapidated barn next to the ruin of a farmhouse. Some had been produced from lost-films; another was supposed to be a complete copy of that Sergeant's book. But the trunk was filled with dirty flood water and old tools. There was missing history, mysterious and obscure knowledge almost in my hands...