On the TV

A very small planet that was very hot on one side was leaving the vicinity of the earth and heading toward colder space. Known aliens were aboard. One was Paulette who was possibly double-jointed with a sallow complexion, brown eyes, mousey-brown hair and a longish nose. Her hands may have shown the forerunner of arthritis. ...

From out of the rear picture window in the small dining room I saw ducks congregating by the fountain. They seemed agitated by my presence. I moved up the stairs to get a better look from the upper landing and saw they were not ducks at all, but a colorful flock of pheasants. ... Five or so adults in a small room, perhaps with bunk beds. Nuclear war had taken place and we did not want to go outside. The door opened and something was coming inside. I expected something dangerous or even monstrous; --it was an small-sized white-tail deer with antlers, willing to be in an apartment with people than outside in the holocaust, though it did run off toward another room. ... Two surgeons, one mid-30’s light brown hair; the other possibly Indian suggested additional surgery. A preliminary run through was done in an operating theater that was tastefully decorated. However, I would have to purchase the furniture & decorations and they cost $ 30,000. I demurred. The American-looking surgeon presented a second option that when pressed claimed to cost only a few thousand. I said ok, let’s do it. I called the head-Nurse-Administrator, an old Indian woman who answered to “Grandma,” and told her surgery would soon be underway. Though off-duty she appeared quickly. I was informed that this second set would still cost me $ 10,000 which the suggesting Surgeon agreed was the price and he had been too low in his estimate. I said lets do the surgery without any decorations, he demurred. When I pressed him if the surgery was still a viable option he said, ‘no.’ When I asked if I should come back later, he shook his head, “Case closed.  Go back to the V.A. but label all the parts”